PMP is Project Management Professional(PMP)Certification from Project Management Institute(PMI)for Project Managers across the globe in variousindustries. It is a generic certification and notindustry specific, it has great value in the industry.
PMP exam is tough but a lot of organised preparationcan take you through. It is mandatory that you have4500 hours of experience in projects implementation,35 MANDATORY hours of PM training from a registeredtraining provider before you apply for the exam. Youcan do independently, but you also need to be ready toinvest about INR 50,000 if you are doing it yourself
Check out <> or write to <>for more details about PMTI (they provide themandatory that is required). You will also need to gothrough the PMBOK guide before appearing for the exam.But there might be other good institutes who offerbetter training than PMTI.